DCS Best VR Settings & Optimization (2025)

Jaap Grolleman Updated on

DCS Best VR Settings & Optimization (1)

Going back and forth to find the perfect settings in DCS (Digital Combat Simulator) can be a bit frustrating and time-consuming! Here we cover our findings (and those from the Pimax community). You may need to do a bit of tweaking depending on your system, but hopefully, we save you some time with these recommended VR graphic settings for DCS.

Scroll down for the best profiles and settings for:

  • Crystal, 4090 GPU, OpenXR
  • Crystal, 4070ti GPU, SteamVR
  • 8KX, 4090, OpenXR
  • 8KX, OpenXR, 4060ti
  • 8K, 3080ti, SteamVR
  • AMD 6900XT, SteamVR

We also share some other tips below, including on DFR.

Settings for Crystal, 4090 & OpenXR

System Setup
DCS Settings
Textures: High;
Terrain: High;
Traffic: Low;
Water: High;
Visib Range: Extreme;
Heat Blur: Low;
Shadows: High;
Flat Shadows Blur: On
Secondary Shadows: On;
Resolution: 1920*1080;
Res of cockpit displays: 1024
Monitors: 1 Screen;
MSAA: 2x;
Depth of field: Off;
Clouds: Ultra;
SSAA: Off;
Clutter/Grass: 1170;
Forest Visibility: 85%;
Preload Radius: 150000;
Gamma: 2;
External field of view: 125%;
Anisotropic Filtering: 16x;
Terrain Objects Shadows: Flat;
Cockpit Global Illumination: On;
Messages font scale: 1
Scale GUI: 1;
Rain Droplets: On;
Vsync: On;
Full screen: Off
Graphic Card Setting
Nvidia: Global Settings: Power
Management Mode: Prefer
Maximum Power

Runtime: Open XR:
Native Resolution
CAS Sharpness: 70%
Pimax Play Settings
Everything Default
Refresh Rate: 90Hz

Contributed by TallyMouse from r/Pimax

Settings for Crystal, 4070ti & SteamVR

System Setup
DCS Settings
Textures: High;
Terrain: High;
Traffic: Off;
Water: High;
Visib Range: Medium;
Heat Blur: High;
Shadows: High;
Flat Shadows Blur: Off
Secondary Shadows: On;
Resolution: 2560*1440;
MSAA: Off;
Depth of field: Off;
Clouds: Standard;
SSAO: Off;
Clutter/Grass: 0;
Forest Visibility: 65%;
Preload Radius: 70200;
Gamma: 2;
External field of view: 78%
Graphic Card Setting
Runtime: Steam VR
Refresh Rate: 90Hz
Motion Smoothing: Off
Render Resolution: 44% 2690*2972
Advanced Supersample: Off
Overlay Render Quality: Medium
Pimax Play Settings
Refresh Rate: 90Hz
Eye Tracking: On
Render Quality: 1
Smart Smoothing: Off

Settings 8KX, 4090, OpenXR

System Setup
64GBRAM DDR4 3600MHz
DCS Settings
Textures: High;
Terrain: High;
Traffic: Low;
Water: High;
Visib Range: High;
Heat Blur: Low;
Shadows: High;
Flat Shadows Blur: On
Secondary Shadows: On;
Resolution: 1920*1080;
Res of cockpit displays: 1024
Monitors: 1 Screen;
MSAA: off;Depth of field: Off;
Clouds: High;SSAA: Off;
Clutter/Grass: 1170;
Forest Visibility: 85%;
Preload Radius: 150000;
Gamma: 2;
External field of view: 125%;
Anisotropic Filtering: 16x;
Terrain Objects Shadows: Flat;
Cockpit Global Illumination: On;
Messages font scale: 1
Scale GUI: 1;
Rain Droplets: On; Vsync: Off;
Full screen: Off;
Rain Droplets: On
Nvidia Settings
Power Management Mode:
PreferMaximum Power
Runtime: Open XR
Native Resolution
CAS Sharpness 100%
FFR: on
40deg - 1
60deg - 1/4
80deg - 1/16th
PimaxPlay Settings
FOV: Wide
Refresh: 90Hz

Contributed by TallyMouse from r/Pimax

8KX, OpenXR, 4060ti

System Setup
64Gb RAM DDR4 3600MHz
DCS Settings
Textures: High;
Terrain: Low;
Traffic: Off;
Water: Medium;
Visib Range: Medium;
Heat Blur: Low;
Shadows: Low;
Flat Shadows Blur: On
Secondary Shadows: Off;
Resolution: 1920*1080;
Res of cockpit displays: 1024
Monitors: 1 Screen;
MSAA: off;Depth of field: Off;
Clouds: High;SSAA: Off;
SSLR: Off;
SSAO: Off; Clutter/Grass: 500;
Forest Visibility: 75%;
Preload Radius: 150000;
Gamma: 2;
External field of view: 125%;
Anisotropic Filtering: 16x;
Terrain Objects Shadows: Flat;
Cockpit Global Illumination: On;
Messages font scale: 1
Scale GUI: 1;
Rain Droplets: On;
Vsync: Off;
Full screen: Off; Rain Droplets: On
Nvidia Settings
Power Management Mode:
PreferMaximum Power
Runtime: Open XR
Native Resolution
CAS Sharpness: 100%
FFR" on
35deg - 1,
55deg -1/4,
70deg -1/16th
PimaxPlay Settings
FOV: Medium
Refresh: 90Hz

Contributed by TallyMouse from r/Pimax

3080ti settings for Pimax 8K

System Setup
DCS Settings
Textures: High;
Terrain Textures: High;
Water: High;
Visib Range: High
Shadows: High;
Resolution: 3840*2160
Aspect Ratio: 1.7777777778;
Res.of Cockpit
Display: 1024;
MSAA: 2x;
Cloud: High
Trees Visiblity: 40%;
Anisotropic Filtering: Off
Terrain Object Shadows: Off
Cockpit Global illumination: On
Gamma: 2.2
Nvidia Settings
Power Management Mode:
PreferMaximum Power
Runtime: Steam VR:
Global Resolution: 80%
Pimax Play Settings

Settings for AMD 6900XT, SteamVR

System Setup
AMD 6900XT
DCS Settings
Texture: High;
MSAA: Off;
AF: x 16;
Shadows: Flat;
Forest Visibility: 50%;
Visual Range: High;
Clouds: Standard
Graphic Card Setting
Maximum FPS: 45
Anti-lagDisable everything else
Runtime: Steam VR
Global Resolution: 100%
Video Setting Per App: 100%
Motion Smoothing: Off
Advanced Super Sampling: Off
Pimax Play Settings:

Basic VR requirements

CPU: Intel or AMD 3.0Ghz+ with 2 cores
Memory: 16GB
Storage: 140GB
GPU: 2080
CPU: Intel or AMD 4.5Ghz+ with 6 cores
Memory: 32GB
Storage: 300GB
GPU: 3080 or better


  • Drivers: up to date; Minimize background programs and processes;
  • Set DCS at highest priorities through Task Manager;
  • Minimize WMR and SVR Windows while playing the DCS;
  • Powerful cooling system.

Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling: Disabled

General VR graphic optimization tips

Thanks to Rex from the Pimax Discord server.

1 - Testing settings one by one is recommended since every machine is different. Find a worst-case scenario for the GPU or CPU to test.

-> For GPU testing I recommend looking at Beyrouth on the Syria map to get a worse-case scenario. GPU wise (with lots of clouds/rain to test cloud settings, at sunset or sunrise to test shadows).

-> For CPU testing, a heavy MP server (Blueflag, Enigma Cold War, etc.) or a heavy single-player mission (dozens of AI moving offroad, SAMs searching/firing, etc.)

PS: Intel PresentMon (recently released in beta) is a great tool for all GPUs and CPUs to find out what is limiting you (the DCS performance overlay is often wrong in that regard)

2-I'll only cover some settings which I have found be good performance levers with little visual fidelity lost, first video linked below covers the rest in detail.

3 - The NVCP has only one setting that affects DCS in VR, that is V-sync set to "fast" which can improve performance in some specific scenarios. The rest is not working (see 2nd video).

4 - Most if not all settings are GPU performance hits only. So if you are CPU limited (use PresentMon), turning up settings will not change your FPS.

5 - Most of these settings have performance hits in different contexts, which is why again, a "reasonable" worst-case scenario should be made up and used for testing

Useful videos for graphic optimization:

WaterLowWater is present under every part of the DCS maps so that setting is another 15% between low and high. It's also a very subtil difference in flight. Not worth it.
CloudsHigh by default, Ultra if performance availableClouds between High and Ultra is 10-15% performance since the difference is the application of AA to them. Definitely one you'll notice either way. Very cloudy missions will kill your frames, plan for it.
Anisotropic Filt.16x if not VRAM limitedIf you're VRAM limited (3080Ti + 8KX in large FOV runs into the issue. But not the 3090), anisotropic filtering between 2x and 16x has a 15% impact on frames. Test for your machine since otherwise it's free and noticeable.
MSAA2xMSAA is "required" to prevent shimmering of cables/fences and such. Note, MSAA can't run at the same time as SSAA in VR (use Pixel Density as a replacement but it is less effective than MSAA)
View distanceUp to your preference/performanceCostly setting (20% between Low and Extreme) but necessary to not notice trees/buildings popping in too much. Up to your preference. The difference between Extreme and High is large in terms of visuals.
ShadowsDepending on performanceTest at sunset and sunrise to get a worse case scenario, can get quite expensive. Medium seems like a good middle ground.
Secondary ShadowsOFF / Needs testingShadows from light sources other than the sun. On the Super Carrier only so far from what I read. Haven't tested.
Blurred ShadowsUp to your preferenceThis setting targets shadows from trees (in particular) not being projected onto the ground from far away by blurring them. They almost disappear due to this so either way it's annoying, up to your preference. Costs nothing.
Terrain TexturesHighDoes use more VRAM but makes quite a difference visually. Largely outweights Anisotropic filtering.
Cockpit TexturesHighWhatever the cost this is necessary. Other settings are unusable.
SSLROFFSSLR is a gimmick but surprisingly cheap (5% ish). It looks good especially on lakes. Not really worth it but up to personal preference. SSLR deals with reflections ("Ray Tracing" like but not as advanced)
SSAOOFFVery subtil. Does have a slight performance impact.
Global Cockpit IlluminationOFFVery subtil, almost as if it wasn't working properly.
Heat blurOFFBroken in VR (renders in one eye only) + Looks bad with Quad Views DFR
Lens effectsOFFBroken in VR (seen in double) and looks bad with Quad Views DFR. Essentially free though.
Depth of FieldOFFThis is mostly a cinematic effect (external views) with cinematic performance levels. I'm also not sure it works well in VR. Avoid.
Preload RadiusDepending on your setupA lower preload radius helps with RAM usage but requires loading more often. Known to cause crashes below certain settings for some people despite having ample pagefile. At maximum 32GB of RAM is borderline.
GrassUp to your preference/performanceGrass has an impact on performance when near the ground (5% ish). Distance is quite small though and even in choppers it goes away quickly.
Tree visibilityUp to your preference/performanceTree "growing" distance also has quite a large performance impact (double digit %) in wooded areas however they are very noticeable when "growing". Up to your tolerance. Detail factor can also balance this.

Jaap Grolleman

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DCS Best VR Settings & Optimization? ›

Recommended VR systems requirements (VR graphics settings): OS 64-bit Windows 10; DirectX11; CPU: Core i5+ at 3+ GHz or AMD FX / Ryzen; RAM: from 32 GB; Free hard disk space: 500 GB on Solid State Drive (SSD); Discrete video card NVIDIA/AMD from 8GB VRAM; Joystick; requires internet activation.

What are the recommended specs for DCS world VR? ›

Recommended VR systems requirements (VR graphics settings): OS 64-bit Windows 10; DirectX11; CPU: Core i5+ at 3+ GHz or AMD FX / Ryzen; RAM: from 32 GB; Free hard disk space: 500 GB on Solid State Drive (SSD); Discrete video card NVIDIA/AMD from 8GB VRAM; Joystick; requires internet activation.

How to set up VR for DCS? ›

The first launch of SteamVR will enable a VR gaming headset. Windows mixed reality runs in the background after installation, so there is no need to run it. The next step is to launch DCS World, go to the settings, the VR tab and check the option - Enable virtual reality headset.

How do I optimize my VR gaming? ›

Optimizing VR Performance: Get the Best Experience on Any PC
  1. Introduction. ...
  2. Updating Drivers and Operating System. ...
  3. Optimizing GPU Settings. ...
  4. Managing Power Options. ...
  5. Utilizing Windows Game Mode. ...
  6. Closing Unnecessary Processes and Programs. ...
  7. Optimizing Discord Usage. ...
  8. Maximizing Game Focus.
Jan 2, 2024

Why is my DCS VR so laggy? ›

I solve it by pressing esc, and alt tab to another window. Then repeat back to DCS, and the stutter is gone. These seem to be triggered by some in-mission script, mods or AI trying to get into the single core beeing used.

What resolution for DCS VR? ›

Use a high resolution (Pixel Density) for the VR goggles and do without all post-processing (pixel density 1.5 or higher). or: Use a low resolution and allow certain post-processing. (Pixel-Density 1.2 plus SSAA 1.5 plus MSAA 2 as an example).

Is 8GB RAM enough for DCS World? ›

yeah DCS doesn't run well with only 8GB ram... if you're playing single player, and just doing a free flight, you'll be fine, probably... as for graphics settings, not sure how much they affect ram usage... but regardless of what it says for minimum requirements for dcs, generally 8gb isn't enough....

How to improve VR performance in DCS? ›

Basic VR requirements

Drivers: up to date; Minimize background programs and processes; Set DCS at highest priorities through Task Manager; Minimize WMR and SVR Windows while playing the DCS; Powerful cooling system.

What is pixel density in VR? ›

A Pixel Density (PD) of 1.0 is really a resolution value, and that value is the native screen resolution your VR device; with the CV1 and Vive it's 2160x1200 and with the DK2 it's 1920x1080. Therefore, when you set the PD to 1.0 you are simply running your VR application at the device's native resolution.

What is a good setup for VR? ›

Gaming computer or console.

Although some VR headsets don't require a PC or console, gaming computers can significantly enhance VR gaming. Known for their customization and power, gaming desktops are capable of providing the high-performance computing required to run graphically intensive VR games.

How can I improve my VR aim? ›

The best way to improve your aim is by practicing basic techniques. For example, don't walk around the VR map with enemies approaching while aiming the gun down at the ground. Remember that reflex time does play a role in VR games. As a solution, raise the gun to head height as you move forward.

Does VR use more CPU or GPU? ›

VR experiences are very similar to games in terms of overall system requirements, so both the CPU and GPU are important – but because of the need to run two displays (one for each eye) at very high refresh rates the demands on the video card (GPU) are more intensive than average games.

Do people play DCS with VR? ›

The game is known for its precision and accuracy in the simulation of cockpits and flight dynamics. Using a VR headset for DCS not only enhances the realism but also significantly increases the depth of immersion.

How do I stop my VR from lagging? ›

if you are on windows 10 or 11 try turning off Hags (hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling). in windows go to system settings - display - graphics- default graphics settings and turn that garbage off. should help with other vr games too. make sure you restart your system after changing it though.

What is the refresh rate of DCS Quest 2? ›


It can offer a very good resolution of 2K per eye and a refresh rate of 72 to 120Hz. First step is download the app from the meta website, you will find it at this link. After the installation connect your Meta Oculus Quest 2 via cable to your PC.

What is the recommended PC for DCS World? ›

Gaming Specs
Download Size: 120GBMinimum PC SpecsRecommended PC Specs
CPUIntel Core i3 at 2.8 GHzCore i5+ at 3+ GHz

How much RAM for DCS World? ›

No, DCS will use 32gb , DCS will use 64gb , and DCS will use 128gb if you give it to it. Max ish settings.

What's needed to run DCS? ›

The cheapest graphics card you can play it on is an AMD. To play DCS World Steam Edition you will need a minimum CPU equivalent to an Intel Core i5-1300F. Whereas, an AMD FX-9590 is recommended in order to run it. You will need at least 200 GB of free disk space to install DCS World Steam Edition.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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